May 1, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Not-for-profit organizations (especially those with larger operations or staffing structures) have numerous filings, reporting cycles, and legal requirements that must be adhered to in order to be in compliance with all regulatory bodies. Many of these responsibilities are shared between the board of directors and paid staff, however there are cases, from time to time, where critical processes get lost in transition. Join us for a “big picture” look at compliance items and timelines that must be addressed, standards of practice to monitor on an ongoing basis, and appropriate delegation of authority that may help by evening-out the workload.
For those who missed the chance to register or attend our full-length, in-person workshop, join us for a condensed version of Who’s Who in the Compliance Zoo, online. “In Case You Missed It!” sessions do not include all content from our full-length workshop, but we will cover the main topics and foundations.
Venue: Zoom Meeting