Grants &
Activate YYC
ActivateYYC started as a tactical urbanism microgrant initiative by the Federation of Calgary Communities. The Federation of Calgary Communities (or ‘The Federation’ for short) aims to support volunteer-driven, tactical urbanism projects that engage the community and create meaningful changes to shared spaces. Communities and residents are invited to reimagine spaces across Calgary as places of greater activity and connectivity. Our passion to see this unfold in our City has quadrupled in the midst of the Pandemic.
Lloyd Sadd ACTION Grants
Lloyd Sadd Action Grants are small barrier free micro grants, up to $1,000 each, that support Federation member organizations to re-engage with their residents, as they see fit.
ClimateReadyYYC offers grants (up to $25,000) to help communities adapt to climate change.
Our communities can be affected by climate change in so many ways, from extreme temperatures to wildfire smoke to food insecurity. We’re seeing signs of climate change everywhere. Through this grant program, we want to help communities build climate resilience, especially for equity-deserving groups who are most affected.
We challenge you to think of ways that you can support climate resilience in your community. Maybe you want to build a community garden, organize a climate action workshop, or add shade to a public space. Think of what your community needs and find creative and innovative solutions.
Energizing Spaces
The ENMAX Energizing Spaces Fund was created to help ensure that Calgary’s community spaces can continue to enhance our neighbourhoods for many years to come. ENMAX has renewed Energizing Spaces, a reimbursement grant, until the end of 2022, with $75,000 each year up for grabs! Not only will this program continue to cover electrical appliance replacements and outdoor rink and safety lighting, but it will also include a few energy efficiency install events. There are three application streams: Appliances, Rink and Safety Lighting, and Energy Efficiency Install.
The Friends of the Federation
The Friends of the Federation of Calgary Communities is a registered charitable organization with the mandate to: Provide education to community associations, their executive members and members at large to enable them to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively and economically provide and operate facilities for sporting, recreation, cultural and social activities, for the benefit of the community associations and the general public.
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