*This message is from the City of Calgary: 

The Child Care Service Policy & Development Guidelines was approved by Council in 2009 to align with the Province of Alberta’s Child Care Licensing Act and Regulation.  The City of Calgary is currently undertaking a review of the City policy to ensure that the policy is functioning as effectively as it was intended, and to understand what issues stakeholders may be encountering when utilizing the policy.  The current framework of the policy will be respected, and it is not anticipated that any policies will be removed or added to the document.  The scope of anticipated amendments are intended to provide additional clarity, definition, and current best practices.

The City is currently gathering information around existing issues, and will be circulating draft amendments to stakeholders for review and comment through the Fall of 2016.  Following the review and comments received from stakeholders, proposed amendments are anticipated to be presented to Calgary Planning Commission and Council in 2017. 

If you are interested in being involved in the review of this policy document, please contact:

Robyn Jamieson, robyn.jamieson@calgary.ca or 403-268-5864

Austin Weleschuk, austin.weleschuk@calgary.ca or 403-268-1163