If you have been following along for the past few months, the Infill Scoping Report will now be nearing its completion and we will understand the next steps after it is debated at Council. Here are the updates:

  1. Infill Scoping Report will go to PUD on December 13 and Council on December 18th. The Federation will be writing a letter and we encourage you as well, we would appreciate if you could send us a copy of your letter as well.

2. Administration is proposing a 2-phased approach to addressing the 11 items ( eave and peak height differentiation; massing; front porches; subterranean structures extending beyond above-grade footprints; hardscape coverage; green landscaping; tree retention in the demolition permit, development permit and building permit stages; drainage; non-conforming/non-standard lots; materials; and vehicle loading and storage) and developing a strategy to best support infill in existing communities.

Phase 1: Allow of immediate resolution of specific issues on a shorter timeline through technical Land Use Bylaw amendments. The two specific issues that will be address in Phase 1 are front porches and subterranean structures. This work will be done together with proposed amendments outlined in the Residential Ground-Oriented (R-CG) District Monitoring Report. Tree retention and drainage are being reviewed by Urban  Forestry and Water Resources.

Phase 2: Phase 2 deals with the 7 remaining items ( eave and peak height, massing, hardscape coverage, landscaping, non-conforming lots, materials and vehicle loading and storage) which impact all infill district and require a more comprehensive review. To address these items, a broader discussion is needed with stakeholders. This includes discussion and research on the broader topics and  cannot be addressed alone through technical Land Use Bylaw amendments. Discussion includes

-How do neighbourhoods grow and change?

-What is neighbourhood character?

-What is needed to make infill successful at contributing to broader goals?

-What does it mean to be sensitive/respectful of neighborhood character?

Having this discussion prior to developing amendments to the rules will allow Administration to work with stakeholders to give shape to a more holistic vision for community growth and infill and will allow Administration to address not only the items listed in the referral motion but other items that have been raised at council around other infill districts such as R-CG, M-CG, and M-CI.  This work plan does not eliminate the possibility of Land Use Bylaw amendments to these topics within the Phase 1 timeline should they be warranted during our consultation with stakeholder. Administration proposes reporting back on the results of this review and research for these items no later than Q4 2018.

3. The Federation will provide its letter for its members to read as soon as it is ready. We are currently consulting certain communities.