a message from the City of Calgary
Development Commencement Extensions
The City of Calgary is reviewing its bylaws related to development commencement extensions. When a decision is made on a development permit there is a set date to start construction, referred to as the date of commencement. The date is set at two to three years after approval, depending on the land use district. For most developments it is either two or three years.
Currently, City administration may grant a development commencement extension for a maximum of two, one-year periods. An extension request may be considered when there are no significant changes to the original development – such as land use districts, applicable policies, levies or changes in context. The City does not want to lose quality developments because of unforeseen circumstances or an economic downturn.
The proposed amendments to extensions consider implementing an open extension period. We are seeking your input.
Draft amendments to the Land Use Bylaw are located at calgary.ca/commencementextensions.
For questions or to provide feedback on the draft amendments, please contact kim.hartley@calgary.ca.